Friday, 25 January 2013

The January gallop

25 January

And then it was 2013. Not only that but it was time for our 'crit'. Somehow we seemed to have enough to put on the wall and the comments were constructive but a little disheartening. Because basically it meant starting again... almost.

Having spent 14 hours a day working on designs for seven days or so on the trot, then having the crit and spending 14 hours a day for another six days, it seems we are all worn out already. January seems a long month. Not to mention doing any real work. How do we fit that in, I wonder? I have 'written off' January for the moment. At least, being self employed, one can do this occasionally. If one doesn't need to eat much or pay any bills.

Then there's the document - just rustle up the odd 60 pages or so in a week will you? Oh, and make sure it is all deep and meaningful, technical, artistic, original, and worth reading.

I'm not going to say anything about travelling to Avery Hill in the snow for our 'hanging', only to find that the day had been cancelled. Nothing to declare, except that perhaps the Christmas tree fairy's wand isn't all I need.

I wish my design was more.... sort of arty. More natural and whooshy looking rather than precise and somehow a bit too separate.  I quite like the sections - my Photoshop skills are still basic but it's been a steep learning curve and they are improving (thank you Ben at Mediatek - I'll have to stick your phone number in here when I find it next - hope you are enjoying my money). I just can't believe how long it all takes. I thought using Photoshop would speed up the process but it definitely slows it down.  There's no going back now - have to blame the fairy.

This is what she has done for me so far -  after the hanging I will know if she's just having a laugh at my expense:

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