This is my fourth attempt at blogging tonight - I keep losing everything so will attempt to save this before the empty space strikes again.
Creating a design for the Metis International Garden Competition has been quite fun - I've enjoyed dreaming up a concept but have laboured for days and days over the drawings. I am not very good at rendering; drawing; AutoCAD; Photoshop - and blogging. There are more negatives but a long list will be boring.
My concept is linked to the 21st century digital age of consumerism and how we seem to have lost touch with the simple pleasures of nature. My garden is a journey 'beyond the veils of the modern age'. The ultimate destination is a treehouse-like structure which acts as a 'lookout hide' so visitors can enjoy the beauty and grandeur of the landscape. They will also be able to spot items of interest such as animal habitats, pictured in the hide.
I would quite like to visit this garden and might even make a little cosy nest up in the treehouse - away from computers, telephones and any sort of work.
Perhaps I will take a book - fiction as a special treat.
I have struggled tonight to upload a copy of my plan or axo. Perhaps my brain is overloaded. This is the best I can do for now - it's a plan. The garden is arranged in three sections, as you can see. There is a ground-level digital display in the first section and three ground-level artworks of the local scenery in the second.

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